About of SIAR

The Salón Internacional Alta Relojería México (SIAR) is the most important and dynamic destination for the watch industry in Latin America. The ideal space where amateurs and professionals take the pulse of the trends and launches of the most relevant firms in the sector. More than 1,000 high-end watches, CEOs, world and regional managers and master watchmakers visit this stage of time every year. In its 15 editions, it has brought together more than 130 haute horlogerie brands with the attendance of more than 50,000 enthusiasts and experts.

Goal: The main idea is to fortify bonds and allow a unique oportunity for the individual clients and sector to discover on a first hand the novelties and releases of the top brands in the luxurious watch industry. A place of commonground to encounter business and development with a wide range of experts and collectors in Mexico.

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